Heaven's Melody Customized Tracks

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Heaven's Melody Customized Tracks


I will make your customized tracks for Heaven’s Melody. PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS BELOW:

Please record your voice speaking prayers, affirmations, visualizations, quotes or what you want to see happen in your life in any or all of the following categories. Smart phones work great for this.

Send a SEPARATE MP3 recorded FOR THE VARIOUS CATEGORIES, or focus on the one area of your life where you would like to see improvement emailed to prayerpiano@gmail.com. I will return a 60 minute track of your Heaven’s Melody within 1-4 days.

1- Liberation from Anxiety/Guilt

2- Breaking Addictions/ Negative Cycles

3- Miracles and Healing

4- Mending Broken Relationships

5- Breaking Through Barriers (Career, Finances, Next Steps)

6- Heavenly Surrender - Need to Give Up Control

7- In the Light: Closeness with God

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