Please join me for a preview of a new concert program
Beethoven had to overcome huge obstacles in his life. An abusive father, financial troubles, critics that condemned his work and the eventual spiral to complete deafness.
His story is an inspiration to all of us when we hit the storms of life.
In this hour long program I will play Beethoven's tempestuous 'Appassionata Piano Sonata Op. 57'. He wrote this masterpiece when he was already completely deaf.
How do we find faith in the moments when fear takes its stony cold grip on our heart?
This is the question we will explore through conversation, music and centerpiece Scripture from Mark 4, Jesus Calms the Storm.
Please join me for this intimate evening. Light refreshments will be served and the music will be played on a museum piece piano from 1881.
When: Saturday November 11 at 7:00 pm
Where: 14 Bromley Ct., Montville, NJ
Please RSVP (text is best) by November 1 at 917-207-0195.