What if there was a non-invasive way to heal by combining Scripture with sacred musical frequencies?
Could it work?
Read this amazing testimonial from Sue who was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer:
"I want to use this opportunity to give you a testimony of the miracle of healing that took place in my body because of a sacred frequency method which my Christian sister Margaret who is a musician/ pianist/ composer introduced to me.
I went for my pre-op breast surgeon appointment last Wednesday and miraculously the doctor could not find the lump at least through touching. My Christian sister Margaret 2 weeks ago made an amazing frequency voice over with me rehearsing healing verses of the Bible and reclaiming my health/ casting out impurities. Here we are 6 weeks later and I am totally CLEAR and CLEAN of any cells at any margin anywhere in my body!!" (Sue, Washington DC. November 2016.)
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There have been numerous miracle healings using this sacred frequency method.
The Word of God declares that "life and death are in the power of the tongue". When we speak the Promises of Scripture out loud it creates a change in our circumstances.
When sacred frequencies encrypted in the Old Testament are paired with our voices reciting Scripture, it creates a change in the atmosphere. Our cells respond.
I have made a special arrangement of the sacred frequencies that I overlay to the sound of your voice speaking Scripture.
Whether you are dealing with a physical, spiritual or emotional issue you can speak the Word to your problem, seal it with sacred frequencies and see a powerful change happen.
I believe that the Lord is releasing the hidden things spoken about in the chapter of Daniel. This Scripture and sound pairing might be a part of that revelation.
To obtain information about having a custom healing track made for you, leave your name and email on the form embedded on this page.